Legal Notice and Disclosure

Legal notice according to §24 (3) Media Act
Media owner and publisher
Caritas Österreich
Storchengasse 1/E1 05
1150 Wien
E-mail: office(at)
Telephone: +43 1 488 31 - 400
Fax: +43 1 488 31 - 1909
DVR-Nr. 0602 329
Nora Tödtling-Musenbichler
Secretary generals
Mag.a Anna Parr, DI Andreas Knapp
Address of the editorial office
Caritas Österreich
Storchengasse 1/E1 05
1150 Wien
E-mail: office(at)
Fundamental direction
As an aid organization of the Catholic Church, Caritas supports people that are affected in many ways. Regardless of their social, national or religious affiliation, Caritas advises, accompanies and supports people in difficult life situations, such as grief counselling, disability, flight, accidents or catastrophes. From the rich experience of daily work, Caritas also has the mandate to publicly raise the voice for people on the margins of society.
Business purpose
Institution of ecclesiastical law
Responsible for the content
Austrian Caritas headquarters
Image rights and licenses
All images and licenses used are the property of Caritas, unless stated otherwise. Reproduction or other use is incumbent upon the consent of the media owner.
We continuously review and update all information that we provide on our website. Nevertheless, some data may have changed in the meantime or become obsolete. A liability or guarantee for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided can not be accepted for these reasons. We can not be held responsible for the content and presentation of other websites referred to by link, since this information and page content are not under our control. However, should a link refer to a website that contains unlawful or immoral content, we ask you to inform us immediately. We will promptly remove this link.